19th Annual Cat & Dog Art Show
Enter one "Pretty Kitty" cat or "Dog-Gone Cute" dog 8.5x11 photograph or painting by emailing it to gunnisongallery@gmail.com and then dropping the $5/entry fee off at Gunnison Gallery located at 124 N Main, no later than 3pm on March 31st. Public voting will commence...
Who Rescued Who? Send us a photo and short story!
WHO RESCUED WHO? What’s your GVAWL rescue story? Please send us a photo(s) of your GVAWL rescue along with a story for our media and events. Email them to: info@gvawl.org.
Ways You Can Keep Up With GVAWL
We hope you love our website! Here are some other ways you can keep up-to-date on our adoptable animals and with GVAWL news and events. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/gvawl/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/gvawl/